Mascot Furgli
Mascot Furgli with swimming hoop and diving goggles
Mascot Furgli on the chairlift
Mascot Furgli skiing
Laptop, notebook, glasses and pen on a table

Useful information around your stay

around your holidays

Here you will find the answers to frequently asked questions concerning your holiday in the family hotels Furgler & Post in Serfaus. Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of any further questions via Mail.

Everything around your reservation



After you have booked you will receive a binding booking confirmation from us. Shortly before your arrival you will receive an e-mail with all the necessary information about your stay.

Please check your reservation confirmation and let us know in case you want to take also the offered travel cancellation insurance (you can choose the travel cancellation insurance also one day after you received the booking).

Fill in the missing data of all accompanying family members via the Pre-Check-In formula in your booking confirmation.  In case you suffer from any allergies or intolerances please inform us in time. We will pass all necessary information to our kitchen and service team. In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your understanding that we are not able to make binding agreemetns about room numbers, floors and room sketches. Derivations from the floor plans are possible in every case.

In case of incorrect information about the children's age, we will calculate the price according to the effective children's age and correct this. 

Parking fee when arriving by car obbligatory - no parking free of charge available. The parking fee is not included and will be charged on the room bill automatically.

Damage caused wilfully by persons as well as damage caused by pets brought along will be charged separately.

An advanced payment becomes due within 14 days (free of charges) of your reservation. The payment on account amounts to one third of the arrangement price. Please indicate as reason for the transfer the name on which the booking is done resp. the booking number.

Credit cards: VISA/Mastercard - handling fee will be charged.
Also for debit cards an extra fee will be charged.
Please check your limit for payments in foreign countries before the beginning of your holidays, if you want to pay by MAESTRO resp. V-PAY.

We recommend you to pay the total amount 14 days before the beginning of your holidays to one of our mentioned bank accounts. This transfer is not obligatory! Of course you can settle your final bill also cash. The payment by EC Card (Maestro) or cash is free of charge.

Bank details family hotel Furgler

Hotel Furgler GmbH & Co KG
Untere Dorfstraße 35
6534 Serfaus
Tirol . Austria

Bank details international
(Raiffeisenbank Serfaus-Fiss-Ried)
IBAN: AT55 3631 5000 0002 0198

Bank accounts in switzerland (Suisse Post account)
in EURO: IBAN: CH17 0900 0000 9103 6879 9
in CHF: IBAN: CH64 0900 0000 9074 1692 2


Our guests from Switzerland can do a national bank transfer to our mentioned account at the SUISSE POST.
(Foreign exchange rate for payments to our Post account in CHF - 1:1 within 14 days).

Bank details family hotel Post

Posthotel & Lifehotel GmbH & Co KG
Dorfbahnstraße 47
6534 Serfaus
Tirol . Austria

Bank details international
(Volksbank Tirol)
IBAN: AT96 4239 0005 4000 4090

Bank accounts in switzerland (Suisse Post account)
in EURO: IBAN: CH17 0900 0000 1565 3407 5
in CHF: IBAN: CH64 0900 0000 1565 3405 9


Our guests from Switzerland can do a national bank transfer to our mentioned account at the SUISSE POST.
(Foreign exchange rate for payments to our Post account in CHF - 1:1 within 14 days).

Travel cancellation insurance

We offer the possibility to effect a travel cancellation insurance. Covered by the tracel cancellation insurance is belated arrival, cancellation or abortion of your holidays. The insurance also covers events during your stay.

The insurance will cover the following cases of cancellation:

  • inability to travel because of illness of one of the insured persons
  • accident or illness of one of the insured travelling persons(husband/wife, life partner, children, parents-in-law)
  • death of one insured person or death of one family member in the nearest family circle

For the insurance we calculate for stays:

  • € 6,50 per adult and day
  • € 4,50 per child and day

After effecting the travel cancellation insurance a refunding of the cancellation charge fee is not possible. The travel cancellation insurance can only be effected for all travelling family members - it is not possible to take someone out of the insurance. In case of short term bookings (arrival on the same day or the day after booking) the insurance cannot be effected.

You can only effect the insurance together with the booking (at least one day after booking). Later the insurance can not be effected.

Please make sure that you have travel cancellation insurance. We do not have any goodwill arrangements for cancellations.

We ask for your understanding.

Pinboard with a pinned note with a light bulb on it
Detail of a person working on a laptop


What to do in case of loss?

If you cannot travel please inform the family hotel Furgler or the family hotel Post. Only written cancellation notices will be accepted. For our insurance we need a doctor's certificate inclusive diagnosis, which confirms that you are not able to spend your holidays in our hotel. In case of a cancellation which is covered by the insurance, we will send you back your advanced payment less insurance costs and less cancellation handling fee (€ 40.-). Therefore we need your bank details. Details will be sent in the cancellation confirmation.

In case of an abortion of the holidays (f.e. illness, accident) a local doctor's certificate inclusive diagnosis is needed for the insurance.

In case of cancellation without conclusion of our offered travel cancellation insurance or due to reasons which are not covered by the travel cancellation insurance following costs become due:

  • till 1 month before the agreed arrival day 40 % of the booked total arrangement-price
  • till 1 week before the agreed arrival day 70 % of the booked total arrangement-price
  • within the last week before the agreed arrival day 90 % of the booked total arrangement-price

A cancellation till 3 months before the agreed arrival day by one-way declaration by both of the contractual partners is possible without any cancellation fee. In this case only the costs of the effected travel cancellation insurance and the cancellation handling fee become due. The conditions of the official Austrian Hotel Contract are valid.

Details on your holidays in Serfaus


Arrival & Departure Day

Of course you can already make use of all offers in the hotel until your room is ready for check-in.

Against payment you can have breakfast on the first day (€ 15,- per adult and € 7,- per child).

You can make use of the playing rooms as well as of our swimming pool area on the arrival day. If you arrive in the morning we will do our very best to provide the room as soon as possible for you. If you will arrive after 06:00 p.m. please inform us via telephone. Thank you!

Our inclusive services start with the dinner on the arriving day and end with the breakfast on the departure day. Please note, that we do not give any price reduction for belated arrival or earlier departure or for not consumed meals or services. Do you also spend the day of departure in Serfaus? We kindly ask you to leave your room by 11:00 a.m. We load your luggage into your car. Before your departure you can change and take a shower in the sauna or wellness area.

Check-in and check-out times?

The arrival and departure day is always on Saturday (special permit only with a written confirmation).

Please leave your room on the departure day until 11:00 a.m. at the latest. Thank you! On the arrival day the rooms will be ready for check-in at the latest 03:30 p.m.

Serfaus is a village with reduced traffic. When arriving and departing you can drive to the hotel by car.

Summer grandparent's special

... € 25,- (singular reduction per room)

From a stay of 7 days minimum grandparents receive our special grandparent's reduction once.

Please do not forget to bring your grandchildren.

Summer recommendation voucher

Frequent guests (who already stayed in our hotels 😊) receive a voucher of € 35,-

... once friends or aquaintances (who have never stayed in our hotels before) visit us in summer for at least 7 days by their recommendation.

This voucher is valid only in summer for a stay of one week. Per stay only one voucher can be discharged.

Exterior view Hotel Furgler in Serfaus

Family hotel Furgler

Please park your car directly in our undergroung garage on two floors (please note the number of the parking space and leave the luggage in the car). With the elevator you reach the "Angerweg" and within short distance the hotel. Please check-in at the reception desk in the hotel, communicate your parking space number and leave your car keys.

As soon as your room is ready for check-in our porter will bring the luggage from the car directly to your room. You can store your ski equipment in the new ski room directly in the garage. Of course our porter brings your luggage to your car when departing. Please note that we are not able to bring your car in front of the hotel entrance for unloading/ loading - therefore we bring the luggage from/ to your car in the garage.

Exterior view Posthotel in Serfaus

Family hotel Post

What should we not forget?

  • “Vignette” - toll sticker for motorways (available at all petrol stations in Austria - high penalty for using motorways without a toll sticker!) 
  • travel documents for all family members
  • second car key (to leave one at reception desk)
  • important pharmaceuticals/ first-aid travel kit (maybe prescription for pharmaceuticals)
  • special food brands (e.g. gluten free - maybe not available in the village)
  • swimming clothes for adults and kids
  • charging device for smart phones, laptop, photo camera...
  • travel plug
  • cosmetics (f.e. contact lenses)
  • weatherproof clothes and adequate shoes
  • personal items of your children (like nappies, special formula milk...)
  • drinking bottle and backpack for children (especially in summer)
  • winter equipment for your car (snow chains, winter wheels... obligatory in Austria from 01.11. till 15.04.) - detailled information on

What do we provide?

  • bath robes and bath towels (for adults and kids)
  • hair dryer
  • baby cots
  • protection grid at the bed
  • baby monitoring device
  • nappy bucket
  • changing mat
  • kettle
  • bottle warmer
  • night light
  • baby bath tub
  • baby bath tub seat
  • hot water bottle
  • potty
  • toilet seat
  • waterproof mattress protector
  • high chair in the restaurant
  • baby plate + spoon in the restaurant
  • bibs in the restaurant

What can we rent or buy?

in the village:

  • mountainbikes (summer)
  • E-bikes (summer)
  • tennis racket
  • winter sports equipment (incl. helmet)
  • sleigh
  • winter fun-sports equipment
  • care products (incl. masks & disinfectant)
  • baby food
  • over-the-counter medicine

in the hotel:

  • water wings (against payment)
  • swim nappies - obligatory for babies
  • pushchair (for rent - € 5.- per day)
  • buggy (for rent - € 5.- per day)
  • back carrier (for rent - € 3.- per day)
Doctor - pharmacy

There are doctors for general medicine and sports medicine in Serfaus:
MED Serfaus - Dr. Köhle & Dr. Waldhart (cable car station)

Two further doctors are in Fiss (neighbouring village)
Fissmed - Dr. Stengg (Fisserstrasse - cable car)
Dr. Stefan (Fisserstrasse - village entrance)

The hotel reception desk will inform you about the opening hours. If there is no doctor in charge, the next hospital with an ambulance for emergencies is Landeck/ Zams (approx. 25 km by car). In these medical centres you will also find the pharmacy. The pharmacys are open during the regular opening hours. Emergency numbers in Austria: Ambulance 144 resp. European emergency call 112.


Special diet?

As a special service we offer also diversified and delicious food for some main diets as celiac disease, lactose intolerance and diabetes - please inform us one week before arrival at the latest. Our kitchen staff will take care of your needs personally. Our service team will talk to you after you have arrived.


We installed wireless LAN in the whole hotel - in the lobby, the bar area and in every room. You can use the internet for free by using an access code. You can also use the public internet point in our hotel.


Your dog is welcome in the hotel lobby, the hotel bar and on your room. The access into the restaurant, in the wellness area and in the children's playing areas is not permitted. There is an extra charge per day/per dog for cleaning - without feed. Please bring your dog basket or your dog blanket.


Please inform the reception desk, if you need special duvets and pillows before your arrival. We kindly ask you to let us know before arrival.



More information about the current weather you will find here:

Weather in Serfaus Fiss Ladis & Weather in Serfaus

Oat flakes with dried fruits and nuts in a bowl and scattered all around
Woman stroking a dog
Person forms circle with hand and encloses the sun with it